
Cardiovascular exercise is an important component of any fitness regimen.   Cardiovascular exercise is sometimes referred to as aerobic exercise or 'cardio' for short.  Cardiovascular exercise involves the large muscles like legs and helps make your heart and lungs stronger. Cardiovascular exercise has a number of health benefits like lowering blood pressure and it can aid in weight loss by burning a significant number of calories.

The following workouts are adaptable to any fitness level from beginner to expert.  By adjusting your speed, incline, duration, pace, strokes per minute and/or resistance levels, depending on which exercise machine you are working on, you can tailor your workouts to fit your specific needs.

SHAPE 10-Minute Workout for Abs

20-Minute Total Body Rowing Workout (courtesy of Shape Magazine)

 TIME     WHAT TO DO         PACE               STROKES PER         RPE*
 (mins.)                          (mins./500 meters)         MINUTE                        
   0-3         Warm up                2:30                         16-18                      3
   3-6             Row                    2:14                         20-22                    5-6
   6-8             Row                    2:12                         22-24                      6
   8-9             Row                    2:10                         24-26                      7
  9-10          Stretch**                 --                              --                         3-5
 10-14           Row                    2:12                         22-24                      6
 14-17           Row                    2:10                         24-26                      7
 17-18           Row                    2:08                         26-28                    8-9
 18-20       Cool down             2:30                         16-18                      3
* Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale - The RPE scale is used to measure the intensity of your exercise. The RPE scale runs from 0 – 10 with zero being absolutely nothing, like how you would feel sitting in a chair and ten being very strenuous or how you would feel after an exercise exertion test.  You can use the RPE to determine how hard your body is working during any exercise routine.
** Stand up and stretch during minute 9 or for more advanced exercisers do some walking lunges.

10-Minute Cardio Challenge* (courtesy of Shape Magazine)

 TIME (mins.)                 WHAT TO DO                                  RPE   
   0-3               Warm up at an easy to moderate pace         3-5
   3-4                                      Sprint                                            8 
   4-5                       Recover at a moderate pace                    5 
   5-7                               Repeat mins. 3-5                              5-8
 7-7:30                                   Sprint                                            9
 7:30-8                     Recover at a moderate pace                   5
 8-8:15                                   Sprint                                           10
8:15-10                Cool down at a moderate pace                 4-5

* This workout can be done on any cardio machine or outdoors.

The Quickie  (courtesy of Fitness  Magazine)
Total time: 16 (advanced) to 29 (beginner) minutes
Warm up for 5 minutes:

* 3 minutes light walk or jog * 30 seconds at half effort * 30 seconds
light walk or jog * 30 seconds at 75 percent of maximum effort * 30
seconds light walk or jog

Choose one of the levels below and repeat 8 times to complete your

 LEVEL                   SPRINT                       RECOVERY  
Beginner              60-second jog               120-second walk
Intermediate        30-second sprint            60- to 90-second walk
Advanced            20-second all-out           60-second walk

To increase difficulty repeat cycle 10 times or repeat cycle 10 times
and cut recovery to 10 to 20 seconds.

The Countdown  (courtesy of Fitness  Magazine)
Total time: 35 minutes

This workout can be done on any cardio machine, track or outdoors.
Do the Speed Bursts at the fastest pace you can safely maintain for the
given duration then do short, all-out sprints for the Blast Off! section.

Warm up for 5 minutes.

4 minutes                                   4 minutes
3 minutes                                   3 minutes
2 minutes                                   2 minutes
1 minute                                     1 minute

30 seconds                                1 minute
30 seconds                                1 minute
30 seconds                                1 minute
30 seconds                                1 minute

Cool down for 4 minutes.